

22 Jul 2004




Born and raised in a war-stricken nation, Keacte enlisted into Interstellar Protectorate and after a number of years progressed quickly through the lower ranks of IP.

Eventually becoming jaded due government corruption at national scales, Keacte sadly fell into a life of petty crime and racketeering.

After an ultimatum by the authorities at an undisclosed Government location, Keacte began life as a pod-pilot and capsuleer.

Showing promise, during his training at the Centre for Advanced Studies, Keacte started with Agony Unleashed and cut his teeth as reconnaissance pilot in his early years specialising in small gang, and more recently with FUN INC into medium fast roaming hit and run fleets.

Regularly flies frigate-spec, combat-interceptors, fleet-interceptors, cruiser and battlecruiser spec hulls, and most likely to be seen in a Raptor.

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