14 May 2017
ESS t1 Cruisers go in to hawy brawl situations and kill Marauders. Each ship should have medium neut + web and some disruptor+ ab and have more than 500dps. Fits you can see in ´´´CAS Combat Day ´´ mailing list . To bring your ships to RF-GGF you can use CAS ALTS logistic. Bring your ships here Orvolle I - Federation Navy Assembly Plant make courier contract to CAS ALTS max size per contract 110k m3 and destination should be RF-GGF V - Intaki Syndicate Academy. your ships gona arive before roam starts. Reward for delivery per contract 5mil isk. Before you enter null sec x up in this channel: CAS Combat Guild 2 https://discord.gg/sB2RVVK FC: Green Mobb SVK