Hoffi V6

Hoffi V6

12 Mar 2013




Hi I'm Hoffi V6,

I am actively FC'ing since 2014 in various Groups/Alliances and mostly in Nullsec and Wormholes.

Brawling, Fleet-Fights and the Alliance Tournament are the Types of Combat i like the most.

If you wanna see some of the Fleets we had so far, here are a few Youtube-Videos of my Fleets from Rhayn Rowe:

Heavy Assault Missile Caracals vs Omens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx2hAe_QfOo

Mallers and Oracles vs Feroxes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRZZ7znQ9LA

SHIELD Harbinger Fleet vs Feroxes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqWTgAWTOp8

If you are a FC and looking out for someone to form a Fleet against you for a good fight, feel free to contact me Ingame or on the Spectre Discord: https://discord.gg/spectrefleet

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