Muon Farstrider

Muon Farstrider

7 Feb 2015





I'm Muon, and I love theorycrafting, long walks on the beach, and blowing up spaceships.

I enjoy coming up with new fits and fleet concepts, so on my fleets we tend to fly new stuff fairly frequently. I love tinkering with ideas and figuring out how to push ships to their limits or make them do things you wouldn't expect. I also generally favor smaller ships - I like to be mobile! - so expect lots of frigates and destroyers, though larger ships still feature occasionally.

I like it best when I get to keep the fleet active, take control of the tactical situation, and generally exercise my brain and think on my feet. Expect fast-paced orders in combat and a fleet that keeps moving rather than staying in one place. Quick-moving frigate fleets are a particular pleasure of mine, and with Keacte I'm the co-creator of the modern Raptor interceptor fleet doctrine.

When just flying for myself, I love taking specialist roles in fleets to keep on my toes - scout, ewar, logi, whatever - and flying small quick stuff to generally make a pest of myself. Interceptors, assault frigates, interdictors, and command destroyers are some of my favorite ships to fly, and I start to get the shakes if I spend too much time warping slower than 5 au/sec.

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