Skipp Doe

Skipp Doe

20 Mar 2015




A long-time space enthusiast who became a capsuleer in YC117, Skipp has traversed every corner of New Eden, immersing himself in the diverse gameplay mechanics and regions of space.

After weathering through turbulent times in nullsec, he took the initiative to establish EX-SA, a welcoming corporation that serves as a safe haven for those eager to explore and appreciate EVE without the burden of politics or drama.

It was about the same time he learned about NPSI and how much fun is available to all willing capsuleers guided by the moto "Shoot first - ask questions later". Ever since, Skipp has been a staunch advocate of this mindset, boasting an impressive record of converting peaceful carebears into thrill-seeking NPSI enthusiasts eagerly awaiting their next fleet engagement.

When he's not meticulously cataloging an extensive collection of female exotic dancers, you can often find Skipp cruising the space lanes in a nimble cruiser or smaller vessels, delving into abyssal sites or providing resources to new pilots, helping them hone their skills and become better pilots.

Fly safe, or better yet, fly as if you've stolen the very stars themselves!

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