Squatch Squad NPSI


With a focus on fun and learning, Schadsquatch's NPSI roams into Null-Sec, Low-Sec, Pochven and J-Space will certainly appease newer players and experienced capsuleers alike.

With ships ready to hand out, SRP and a variety of doctrines to try, each yeet will never be like the last! Weekly roams on the weekends, 0300-0600, undocking from Jita!!!

Fleet doctrines: Interceptors, ENI's, kitchen sink

Schad Chat



Upcoming fleets

Tue 18 Feb
Squatch Squad NPSI
Fleet Commander

Twitch Front Page NPSI Marathon

We will be on Twitch Front Page showcasing NPSI shenanigans! Fly fast, die fast, reset! Fleets will range from blops, to new bro goodies. Discord >>> https://discord.gg/schadsquatch In-Game Chat >>> Schad Chat Fits >>> In MOTD - SRP available - Send Loss mail to Schadeck for SRP Undock >>> Jita 4-4 around 0300