With a focus on fun and learning, Schadsquatch's NPSI roams into Null-Sec, Low-Sec, Pochven and J-Space will certainly appease newer players and experienced capsuleers alike.
With ships ready to hand out, SRP and a variety of doctrines to try, each yeet will never be like the last! Weekly roams on the weekends, 0300-0600, undocking from Jita!!!
Fleet doctrines: Interceptors, ENI's, kitchen sink
We will be on Twitch Front Page showcasing NPSI shenanigans! Fly fast, die fast, reset! Fleets will range from blops, to new bro goodies. Discord >>> https://discord.gg/schadsquatch In-Game Chat >>> Schad Chat Fits >>> In MOTD - SRP available - Send Loss mail to Schadeck for SRP Undock >>> Jita 4-4 around 0300