

30 Apr 2006



Upcoming fleets

Fri 14 Feb
Spectre Fleet
Fleet Commander

Friday Night Roam

FC:Kaeser Time to Nano. Hit and run and don't get pinned down. Work together to take apart a hostile gang or fleet. NewBros welcome. Let me know before hand if you can't fly the listed comps. Fast and furious, cruiser and below nano ganging. Requires: AT LEAST 2 hunters though three is ideal. Also requires at least one dictor which can be on an alt. Skirmish linked C3D also welcome though not essential. One each Sentinel and Keres ...before we can leave. You can bring your own preferred nano cruiser or frigate class ship but be aware you need a base speed of 2400 m/s. You will only be reimbursed SRP at the same rate as Navy Cruisers unless cleared by FC first (or you don't need SRP!).