Spectre Fleet focus is on Sub Cap and Capital warfare, ranging from shotgun fleets to huge arranged battles. Spectre Fleet has many FCs ranging in experience and technique. Spectre is new bro friendly.
FC:Kaeser Come along for a chill (see what I did there?) roam through space while meeting interesting people and making them explode. Require at least one dictor (Cloaky/Hyper fit) Require a mix of ships with TDs (or GDs), Scrams and Webs for your Ewar slots. NewBros are welcome. Contact me before hand if you can't fly the doctrine and I'll find you something that suits your skills that can still join the fleet. Always happy for ceptors/dictors/jammer support if you can't fly a thrasher. Logi Frigates also welcome though our resist profile (none!) makes life hard for you. Please make sure you have a Triglavian in and out filament in your cargo just in case (Krai Perun and Proximity are fine). Make sure you have enough nanite paste. ;) Fleet may extend for an hour after DT if we haven't died in a fire first....
FC:Kaeser A Pochven multiboxer hunting we will go. As a fallback if I don't get the numbers I need to make this work we will fall back to Frozen destroyers. The Bus drivers need to speak to me before hand as I only require two or three total. To make it all work as intended we need 15-20 DPS plus at least 8 Dictors and Booshers which you are more than welcome to fly on alts. Logibros there is something for you. Will also need one Command Dessie with mind link and sensor strength burst. ;) Please keep an eye on fits as I may alter some slightly before the weekend.
FC:None Welcome to GANKED, Spectre Fleet's premier event for the week. We fly every Saturday night, looking for trouble and fun in New Eden. Any questions? Feel free to contact us on Discord, we're here to help. You are all welcome, please join us
FC:Virion Stoneshard Ever heard of bring what you
FC:None Welcome to GANKED, Spectre Fleet's premier event for the week. We fly every Saturday night, looking for trouble and fun in New Eden. Any questions? Feel free to contact us on Discord, we're here to help. You are all welcome, please join us
FC:None Welcome to GANKED, Spectre Fleet's premier event for the week. We fly every Saturday night, looking for trouble and fun in New Eden. Any questions? Feel free to contact us on Discord, we're here to help. You are all welcome, please join us