Courtesy of FUN inc & the wider NPSI community

No strings attached PVP fun!


Participating in NPSI fleets from anywhere around the world is now easier than ever before!
Simply get online at the date and time of your chosen event and follow the steps in the listing.
Make sure to spread the word to friends near and far. Fly Safe, Fly FUN! o7

22 Mar 2025.
23 Mar 2025.
24 Mar 2025.
25 Mar 2025.
26 Mar 2025.
27 Mar 2025.
28 Mar 2025.
Fleet Commander


Fedo Adoption Rescue Troop with OneCrazyMonkeh, Erst and other content creators. Focus on event PvEvP (if any is up) otherwise nullsec roams.  Check discord for doctrine of the week! ( )

Jita 4-4
Astral Acquisitions/ Friendship Fleets
Fleet Commander

Astral Acquisitions: Friendship Fleet - Operation Paper Cliff

I have a Polarized Gnossis fit I wanna try again,  modified from last time. We need small tackle as well as normal DPS ships.If you can't fly polarized gnossis or the supports then its bring your own ships ( within reason ofc ) Fits will be in MOTD FC: Utric101 In-game channel X-up: Friendship Fleets Discord:

F.U.N. Inc.
Fleet Commander

K-FLEET: ShrinkWrapped! - !skins & !drops inbound!

We will need support - dictor, boosher, inty, prober. Expect fleet giveaways!! BRING A FRIEND! Standard ShrinkWrapped #360 FC: Keacte In-game Public channel - “EBWF public” Comms: mumble - in MOTD when joining fleet Discord

Spectre Fleet
Fleet Commander


FC:Virion Stoneshard Welcome to GANKED, Spectre Fleet's premier event for the week. We fly every Saturday night, looking for trouble and fun in New Eden. Any questions? Feel free to contact us on Discord, we're here to help. You are all welcome, please join us

See Eve Rookies discord for current HQ dockup
EVE LinkNet
Fleet Commander

HQ Incursions

Headquarters (HQ) incursion fleet. Open to anyone who has flown incursions with Eve Rookies before (either VG or HQ), or has flown HQs with another group. Check Eve Rookies discord for fleet pings and confirmation that this fleet will run: You must bring your own doctrine ship (see "Fits" on waitlist). X up waitlist: Lots more information on the waitlist under "Guides" Comms will be on TeamSpeak, linked from the waitlist. If the link doesn't work, use address ""

EVE LinkNet
Fleet Commander

GRIP: Problem Fleet

Join us for the General Rookie Introduction Program (GRIP) fleet and fly without loss. We have Ship handouts. SRP for anything within reason and ISK Rewards for fleet activites. Grip is an excellent chance to fly in pvp without the fear of loss. Come and ask questions from experienced eve players or if you are an experienced eve player try out a new fleet role that you have always wanted to. This is the place learn and have fun. For any questions feel free to contact Sloots McKeenzie in game. Also i am terrible at setting up fleet advert so if you need a fleet invite send Sloots an ingame message at fleet time. New this week: To X up for fleet at 2300 join the ingame chat channel EVE LinkNet .

Bombers Bar
Fleet Commander

frigate fest

Type: frigate fest FC: King Amaarian Fleet description: Bring a frigate and get to killing About Bombers Bar: Bombers Bar is the NPSI Community For Cloakies The 'Not Purple Shoot It' fleets allow cloaky enthusiasts from all over New Eden to come together in a fleet. Ingame channel: 'BB: Bombers Bar' Website: Discord:

Squatch Squad NPSI
Fleet Commander

Squatch NPSI - Dual Prop Vexors

Form up in Jita 4-4/Ahbazon, Fit is in the MOTD (I have hand outs) Arbitrators/Sentinels would be appreciated. Discord >>> In-Game Chat >>> Schad Chat Fits >>> In MOTD - SRP available - Send Loss mail to Schadeck for SRP Undock >>> Jita 4-4 around 0300

Spectre Fleet
Fleet Commander


FC:Gothikia Hit and run from Thera. Two drink minimum for fleet. Huzzah!

Check Discord
Eve Rookies
Fleet Commander

Shield Vanguard Incursion Fleet

Doctrine: Staging: Check Incursion Staging Channel on Discord Comms: Discord - Incursion Fleet Comms 1 XUP: Eve Rookies Incursions (in game) FC: TBA Check Discord: Before heading to the dockup, always check #shield-fleet-pings to see if there's a fleet pinged. These entries in the calendar are for our standing fleet, but sometimes all FCs are busy and this entry does not get deleted. The ping channels are the source of truth! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to try incursions for the first time? Or are you a vet that just wants to chill? Then the Shield VG fleet is for you! 1. Check to see if there is a focus up 2. If there is a focus, check for the dockup 3. Travel to the dockup (if you want to borrow a ship, come in a shuttle) 4. X's start 10 minutes before the posted fleet time 5. Be within 5j of dockup before xing in the ingame Eve Rookies Incursions channel 6. When you X, post your ship fit if you are bringing your own ship. Otherwise state if you need to borrow a blaster or laser praxis 7. Get invited into the fleet and accept 8. After all of the invites are done, FC will work on trading you a ship 9. Have fun! In game channel: Eve Rookies Incursions Discord:

Bombers Bar
Fleet Commander

Frigate Fest

Type: Frigate Fest FC: King Amaarian Fleet description: bring the flames About Bombers Bar: Bombers Bar is the NPSI Community For Cloakies The 'Not Purple Shoot It' fleets allow cloaky enthusiasts from all over New Eden to come together in a fleet. Ingame channel: 'BB: Bombers Bar' Website: Discord:

Deutsche Public Fleet
Fleet Commander

Lowsec Roam

See MOTD - Roamen Lowsec von Frigs bis Cruiser. - PVP Anfänger sind herzlich willkommen. - Ingame Channel: Deutsche Public Fleet - Forumsbeitrag: - Doktrin im MOTD des Ingamechanels FC: Jack Firm

Bombers Bar
Fleet Commander

Habakuk and Storytime

Type: Habakuk and Storytime FC: lordinsidioustroll Fleet description: About Bombers Bar: Bombers Bar is the NPSI Community For Cloakies The 'Not Purple Shoot It' fleets allow cloaky enthusiasts from all over New Eden to come together in a fleet. Ingame channel: 'BB: Bombers Bar' Website: Discord:

Check Incursion Staging Channel on Discord
Eve Rookies
Fleet Commander

Shield VG Incursion Fleet

Doctrine: Staging: Check Incursion Staging Channel on Discord Comms: Discord - Incursion Fleet Comms 1 XUP: Eve Rookies Incursions (in game) FC: TBA Check Discord: Before heading to the dockup, always check #shield-fleet-pings to see if there's a fleet pinged. These entries in the calendar are for our standing fleet, but sometimes all FCs are busy and this entry does not get deleted. The ping channels are the source of truth! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to try incursions for the first time? Or are you a vet that just wants to chill? Then the Shield VG fleet is for you! 1. Check to see if there is a focus up 2. If there is a focus, check for the dockup 3. Travel to the dockup (if you want to borrow a ship, come in a shuttle) 4. X's start 10 minutes before the posted fleet time 5. Be within 5j of dockup before xing in the ingame Eve Rookies Incursions channel 6. When you X, post your ship fit if you are bringing your own ship. Otherwise state if you need to borrow a blaster or laser praxis 7. Get invited into the fleet and accept 8. After all of the invites are done, FC will work on trading you a ship 9. Have fun! In game channel: Eve Rookies Incursions Discord:

Bombers Bar
Fleet Commander

Wednesday Whaling

Type: Wednesday Whaling FC: pippinthehobbit Fleet description: Need: Blops, Fuel Truck, Hunters, Bombers! About Bombers Bar: Bombers Bar is the NPSI Community For Cloakies The 'Not Purple Shoot It' fleets allow cloaky enthusiasts from all over New Eden to come together in a fleet. Ingame channel: 'BB: Bombers Bar' Website: Discord:

No fleets scheduled

Try checking back later

Bombers Bar
Fleet Commander

Armada from 745

Type: Armada from 745 FC: Remy Gonzalez Fleet description: About Bombers Bar: Bombers Bar is the NPSI Community For Cloakies The 'Not Purple Shoot It' fleets allow cloaky enthusiasts from all over New Eden to come together in a fleet. Ingame channel: 'BB: Bombers Bar' Website: Discord:

Check Discord
Eve Rookies
Fleet Commander

Shield Vanguard Incursion Fleet

Doctrine: Staging: Check Incursion Staging Channel on Discord Comms: Discord - Incursion Fleet Comms 1 XUP: Eve Rookies Incursions (in game) FC: TBA Check Discord: Before heading to the dockup, always check #shield-fleet-pings to see if there's a fleet pinged. These entries in the calendar are for our standing fleet, but sometimes all FCs are busy and this entry does not get deleted. The ping channels are the source of truth! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to try incursions for the first time? Or are you a vet that just wants to chill? Then the Shield VG fleet is for you! 1. Check to see if there is a focus up 2. If there is a focus, check for the dockup 3. Travel to the dockup (if you want to borrow a ship, come in a shuttle) 4. X's start 10 minutes before the posted fleet time 5. Be within 5j of dockup before xing in the ingame Eve Rookies Incursions channel 6. When you X, post your ship fit if you are bringing your own ship. Otherwise state if you need to borrow a blaster or laser praxis 7. Get invited into the fleet and accept 8. After all of the invites are done, FC will work on trading you a ship 9. Have fun! In game channel: Eve Rookies Incursions Discord: